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Marriott's GREAT AMERICA photo and video albums

corkscrew fence
Gurnee, IL -- 1977
This fence marks the closest corkscrew viewing spot for park guests in Gurnee. Santa Clara had a special viewing area much closer to the corkscrew. Later developments in Gurnee created walkways that provide closer guest access to the corkscrew. The original corkscrew viewing area in Santa Clara has been closed.
Keywords: Gurnee

corkscrew fence

Gurnee, IL -- 1977
This fence marks the closest corkscrew viewing spot for park guests in Gurnee. Santa Clara had a special viewing area much closer to the corkscrew. Later developments in Gurnee created walkways that provide closer guest access to the corkscrew. The original corkscrew viewing area in Santa Clara has been closed.

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