Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor 1979-80

Share your memories of working at Marriott's GREAT AMERICA in Santa Clara
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Buzzy Bee
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Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor 1979-80

Post by dl7980 »

My first job was at Great America opening up the Farrells Ice Cream Parlor in Hometown Square(I believe it was 1979-80). I still have great memories of my fellow workers. We had a lot of pride as we had unique uniforms from the rest of the area(traditional Farrells black pants,white shirts,straw hats with logo--covered by the end of the week with ice cream,arm band,tie)we had to memorize our "pig trough" speach. I remember when Bill Marriott came in on one of our first days we were open and I had to do the spiel to him--very embarrassing.

I remember the movie nights at the pictorium--including my first viewing of Animal House(interesting choice for the family freindly GA--but again it was for employees only).

The next summer i moved on as a lead to open up the new Roy Rodgers outlet in the Yukon territory--but it just wasnt the same as your first job!

All in all though I truly miss those folks and the memories I have of that time will be with me forever.


1979-1980--WORKED AT Farrell's and Roy Rodgers-Santa Clara MGA
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